Kid's Praise! 7
Psalty's Hymnological Adventure Through Time!
"Psalty is a tremendous vehicle for influencing kids and families to form Christian values and to make decisions to follow Christ."
--Cliff Barrows The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
Psalty attempts to invent a 'take your time machine' but finds out he by accident invented an actual Time Machine! He and the children take trips back in time visiting several men and women of God who have left incredible legacies including Fanny Crosby and King David while he was still young and was playing the harp. Young David leads them in a powerful Hebraic song called, "Heenay ma Tov". After this, they find themselves in front of Solomons Temple at the dedication with the anointed male singers singing "He is Good" The singers blow the shafar (Rams horn used in the Old Testament) during this song for an awesome effect. The most incredible music you will ever be able to buy for your children and yourselves! - Beauty for Ashes Boutique
Song list:
The Music of God's Family: A Mighty Fortress is Our God, Holy Holy Holy, Fairest Lord Jesus, Onward Christian Soldiers, At the Cross, There's Power in the Blood, The Magnificent Multi-Phasic Take-Your-Time-Machine, Heenay Ma Tov (Psalm 133), He is Good (Dedication of Solomon's Temple), Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Amazing Grace, Spiritual Medley: Gimme Dat Old Time Religion, Standin; in the Need O Prayer, This Train, Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, When the Saints Go Marchin In, Dem Bones, Get on Board Little Children, Every Time I Feel the Spirit, Fanny Crosby Medley: Blessed Assurance, Praise Him, To God Be the Glory, Take My Life and Let it Be, The Doxology