Eyes to See - Fire Worship Flag
~ Flag Bags are available also! ~
This beautiful double layered flag features peacock feathers in gold, red and black edges with a layer of shimmering fire orange organza on our Flex™ rod for a beautiful worship - Eyes to See represents Matthew 16 where our prayer is that God would give us eyes to see and ears to hear. Made to order by Beauty for Ashes Boutique® in the USA. Flags are prayed over and anointed with hand-made Yadah Anointing Oil - also available for purchase for $21.00 a roll-on bottle.
Matthew 13:16
"But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear."
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Please note: Beauty for Ashes Boutique carries t-shirts, worship flags, clothing, jewelry and accessories; many with our trademark brand name 'Beauty for Ashes' - which means God will restore Beauty in place of life's ashes - Isaiah 61:3. None of our items carry literal ashes. Instead, our items carry the blessings of God representing restoration and divine destiny for each individual.